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Who we are

We are a company of excellence in outsourcing

Synchro is an Egor associate company, specialised in outsourcing projects/services, which aims to reduce operational costs and make them more flexible, share risks and increase their clients’ productivity.

We provide integrated turnkey service solutions. Our main goal is to partner with our Clients, as an extension of their business, always placing the focus on maximising efficiency.

We provide management solutions for the placement and replacement of resources in the area of Education, throughout the national territory, with a permanently updated Database.

The main objective is to partner with Clients, to be an extension of their commercial strength, always focusing on maximizing sales and increasing our Clients' market share and brand visibility.

Motivated teams, highly experienced, who are a team player to their Clients, and in which the goals and motivations are shared.

We design, implement and manage fixed, routing or mixed point of sale projects, operating in all sectors of activity and channels.

Digital transformation has forced a redefinition of the corporate world, changing the way we conduct business. The need for technological updating, associated with talent shortage, is probably the biggest challenge that companies face on a daily basis.

The goal is to partner with clients, providing solutions in specialised recruitment and outsourcing, leveraging the ability to identify talent and attracting, in Portugal and abroad, the best human resources for their projects and businesses.

The knowledge and talent of our teams allow us to identify the desired characteristics in each resource, thus finding the ideal match between client and candidate.

Our network of contacts, our recruitment and referral models, allow us to reduce the time of the selection processes and increase the degree of compliance with each project, ensuring the satisfaction level of the client objectives.

Synchro Industry & Logistics provides the management of human resources or the whole management of production and logistics services.

We position ourselves as a partner in the analysis and optimisation of processes and KPIs, in areas as diverse as warehouse logistics, loading and unloading of goods, supply, shortage, internal logistics, quality control and parts verification.

It is a Unit targeted to provide solutions for the recruitment, selection and placement of qualified professionals in the area of healthcare. We have an experienced team and consolidated know-how in the sector.

We have an experienced team and consolidated know-how in the sector.

The deep knowledge of the market needs, combined with a vast database of healthcare professionals, makes Synchro Med the right partner to meet the most demanding challenges in this area, allowing an effective response in the most diverse specialties.

Synchro Education analyses the market for the placement and replacement of teachers and non-teaching staff (in the area of education) in Portugal, and it has verified the difficulties faced by the Educational Institutions in finding qualified candidates who fit the values of each Institution, in a short period of time.

As pioneers in this business area in Portugal, we intend to meet the requirements of the Educational Institutions, ensuring the presentation of qualified candidates with the appropriate profile.

We provide management solutions for the placement and replacement of resources in the area of Education, throughout the national territory, with a permanently updated Database.

We offer the possibility of carrying out Extracurricular Activities, Seminars and Workshops directed and designed for each group of students.

The extensive experience in the management of the most diverse Services, namely in the Outsourcing of Contact Centres, Back Offices, Stores, Sales Teams and Merchandising, allows us to increasingly improve the methods of Monitoring, Control, Audit and Assessment, with the main goal of promoting the continuous improvement, through the best market practices.

Through the WEB platform, we monitor and control any contact centre and BPO operation, in real time, through dashboards, providing the defined KPIs.

We carry out operations relating to quality-of-service surveys and mystery clients, with the objective of auditing the satisfaction level of end customers, providing customised reports and proposals for corrective and increasing satisfaction actions.

We manage Contact Centres and Back Offices in an Outsourcing regime, in our premises and in the Customers' facilities, with the proposed technology or the customers' technology.

We cooperate closely with clients in the implementation of innovative solutions that increase the efficiency of operations and the satisfaction of end customers.

Through the areas dedicated to the recruitment and training teams, we work in close alignment with the areas of quality and continuous improvement, as well as the innovation teams, with the purpose of optimising and automating the processes, we provide unique Contact Centre and BPO solutions.

We guarantee an extremely attractive cost/benefit ratio, as a result of our experience, technology and operational benchmarking.


An approach proven by experience


Tailor Made



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